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Harrogate Advent Festival 2021

2021 sees the inaugural Harrogate Advent Festival, a series of concerts, choral workshops and services led by Ensemble Pro Victoria and hosted by one of England's great parish churches: St Wilfrid, Harrogate.


Friday 26th


Opening concert - 7pm

From Spain to England - a Pilgrimage in Advent


Tickets £15, reserved by email or on the door.


Saturday 27th 


10-midday - young singers workshop 


2-5pm - Come and Sing Advent with EPV - £20

Singers who participate are invited to perform in the Festival Concert in the evening. Scores and refreshments are provided.


7-8pm - Festival joint concert

Tickets £15, reserved by email or on the door.


Sunday 28th 


10am - Festival Eucharist

5pm - Festival Advent Procession








Anthony Gray 

Toby Ward

John Edwards St Wilfrid sketch.jpeg
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